More things to avoid when driving automatic
Here are more things to avoid when driving automatic!
Using left foot to brakeAlthough maybe less common than others it still happens and can be dangerous and unsympathetic to the vehicle. Danger:You may be tempted to brake whilst still accelerating. When braking pressure is applied whilst accelerating this can cause a mismatch and can cause the vehicle to become unstable. This could cause problems for other road users. Remedy: Always use your right foot for braking and accelerating.
Never using the handbrakeFunny one this! There are some people who don't know how to operate the handbrake correctly. The problem is that although it is used less than in a manual car you still need to know how to use it correctly on steep hills etc. You should also apply the handbrake whenever you are in 'park'. The Testing officers can even ask you to locate the handbrake on the restricted licence test. Danger: Vehicle could roll back into other traffic or pedestrians on steeper hills. Remedy: Practice using the handbrake on steep gradients so you don't roll back. Apply the handbrake whenever you are in 'park'.